This picture just came in. It’s one of my catalogue images used as a top on a small table.
The Northwest trifecta! And Mount Baker to boot! This little piece will be installed in a table top. It’s a combination of two images from my catalogue, resized to fit the space.
This seems to be the most popular image on the Shop page. I think this is the third time so far this year I’ve painted this image for someone. It’s a little different this time. I changed the ferry boat to a slightly newer, but still vintage, boat. I think this is going to be the standard image form now on.
This is a slightly bigger rendition of one of the catalogue images. It will go on the front of a tub enclosure. There will be more tile to the left of this image, but that will be behind the toilet.
This little mural just went home yesterday. It’s on 12” x 24” tiles and shows the area where the clients live, around Port Townsend, WA. There’s their boat, the tree outside their house, and the Adirondack chairs they sit in when they go to visit their friends, plus a few other local attractions.
This is one of the smaller pieces I’ve done lately, only 6 6” x 6” tiles, but it will make a charming accent in a shower.