The homeowner did a great job photographing this kitchen. I love how he staged the counters and the stove. Lots of people love chickens in their kitchens.
Chickens seem to be a perennially popular kitchen tile motif, sometimes both hens and roosters, sometimes, like this job, just the roosters. These, on 6” tile, will be interspersed with field tile on two kitchen backsplashes.
These tiles will go on the outside of an outdoor fireplace. They’re painted on 3” tiles because the end of it is rounded, in a tight enough curve that they needed to be that small. It’s 3’ straight on either side and the middle 4’ of this will be the rounded end. I hate working on 3’ tile. There are just so many of them to number and keep track of and, at least in this case, they come on a sheet held together by dots of glue. I try to cut off as much of the glue as I can because it smells so horrible when I fire it. And I have to do a separate firing to burn the glue off because the burning glue will affect some of the china paint colors. But I like the image, which is all animals that are likely to end up on the grill. The pig goes to the right of the sheep.
This picture was just sent to me by the client. Chickens remain a very popular image. This one is from my Shop page.
Chickens are a really popular image for kitchen backsplashes. This 12” x 24” tile will be a sample in my booth at the upcoming Seattle Home Show. It starts February 15th and runs through the 23rd.
This little flock of chickens went home yesterday to join some I did a few weeks ago for the other side of the same kitchen.
This little tile piece just went home this morning. It’s one of the images on my Catalog page. The client had me do it on almond tile rather than white.